
Twilight obsession redux fuels Twilight trivia

My favorite movie podcast, “Blank Check with Griffin and David,” just started a Patreon bonus series doing commentaries on the Twilight movies. Twilight trivia is my next logical step.

I decided to start a reread and rewatch myself, and hoo boy, how I still love this ridiculous franchise. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not out here claiming Robsten is unbroken or anything, but yeah, I’m still Team Edward and I don’t even care.

I am a recovering Twihard. And I’ve fully fallen off the wagon. It’s bad, guys.

(In Port Angeles, when Edward screams up in his car to back those aggressive dude bros off Bella and he just says “Get in the car” to her and stares them down? HOT. And I know there’s a million things wrong with their relationship, and feminism and co-dependency and why does he watch her sleep? And yada yada. It’s a terrible story. And it’s BRILLIANT.)

I was planning to get started soon on a Harry Potter trivia book, but in this moment, I think it’ll be Twilight. I fully just ordered “Midnight Sun” on Amazon.

While I Google GIFs of the tent scene, try these 10 easy trivia questions about Twilight.

  1. Bella moves to Forks, Washington, from what sunny Southwestern city, which serves as the location of a climactic fight for survival?
  2. While Edward, Alice and Emmett all share the last name Cullen, what name do Rosalie and Jasper go by?
  3. What Muse song plays on the soundtrack over the infamous vampire baseball scene?
  4. What is the names of James’ mate, who becomes the primary antagonist in the next two books/films?
  5. Seventy years or so prior to the events of Twilight, Carlisle Cullen made a treaty with what chief of the Quileutes that his family would bite no humans?
  6. Edward is surprised when Bella tells him she can smell blood, and describes it saying it smells like what two things?
  7. After Bella turns him down, who does Mike end up going to the prom with?
  8. Which friend of Charlie’s makes the famous fish fry that Billy Black brings along with him to watch the game?
  9. In the book, what is the name of the special place in the woods that Edward first shows Bella what he looks like in the sunlight?
  10. What class do Edward and Bella first meet in?

Answers up after a compilation of Robert Pattinson dunking on Twilight in interviews, which is exactly my energy about my current relapse. I beyond appreciate the dunking, but I’m still WATCHING RPATTZ VIDEOS.


  1. Phoenix
  2. Hale
  3. “Supermassive Black Hole”
  4. Victoria
  5. Ephraim Black
  6. Rust and salt
  7. Jessica
  8. Harry Clearwater
  9. The meadow
  10. Biology

Stay tuned for my Twilight trivia book. Unless I get into a 12-step program, LOL.